
A technology lifestyle brand that promotes, inspires, and empowers Black Leadership in the Technology Industry. As a social enterprise, we will give back a portion of proceeds to underprivileged communities and causes that support this mission. 

The word, "Carbonado" means Black Diamond. When choosing a name for this brand, my goal was to come up with a name that would be aligned closely with what it might feel like as a Black individual in tech. In fact, Black diamonds are the toughest diamonds in the world and are reportedly amongst the rarest. Before they are polished or "given a chance", they are viewed as dull or opaque. However, when given an opportunity, they shine bright and become some of the most sought diamonds in the world. In so many ways, I believe that Back talent in tech are like Black diamonds because although we may often be misunderstood/undervalued, when given a fair opportunity, we excel! 
